Monday, April 13, 2009

Out of School

I'm out of school today, so for my English poem project, myself and 2 other guys filmed some of the city and did some scenes for a couple of Langston Hughes poems for our IMovie....whoooo....was that fun.
LMAO..I had to pull out some of my ballin' skillz...haha!
anyways...we did that downtown and in the loop...
afterwards...we ate some pizza then headed home...not bad for a day out of skool huh??

meanwhile, I'm having some probs w/my "ex" bestfriend....aka my "friend" I guess...
uhh...we met like 6-7 months back and about 3-4 months ago...I started to text my "friend"
well uhh a couple months "bestie" questioned my friend's sexuality but instead of her losing a relationship w/my "friend"....I took the blame for it

2nd offense...I told her the truth about her long-distance boyfriend...and she got mad...
and 2day..I'm struggling to receive respect frm her..

hopefully, we'll patch things i wanted them to be in the 1st place...
there are only 9-10 weeks of skool left so i think i'm getting lazy...

until then...catch me in traffic...haha

p.s. check out some Huey ft. Bobby V and Lil Wayne- Payow...dope